Sunday, 22 April 2012


As promised here are images from this year's 2012 Croatia Boat Show, held annually in Split.  This year is the biggest year yet, featuring an array of catamarans, sailboats, fishing vessels, restored yachts and of course, motor boats.

With palm trees, stone walls & promenades and the Adriatic sea as the backdrop, thousands of people gathered in the kiosks and toured the vessels featured at this year's show.  Media was on hand covering the events throughout the week, and a few famous faces were spotted amongst the crowds of locals and visitors in town for the show.  We're higlighting a few of our favourites here.




Thanks to our friend Jaksa for being our ears & eyes and covering the Croatia Boat Show for us this year!  We're going to keep you very busy over the next little while!

This officially signifies the start to the Croatian summer season!  Let the sun shine and the sea glisten in its rays!  Can't wait to jump into the refreshing water and spend a few days at the beach later this year.


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