Split Riva |

Split - Croatia meets Vancouver - Canada
This weekend Split, Croatia hits 30C degrees !!!
Vancouver is a beautiful city, with opportunities on every corner, but it has one little drawback.......the RAIN!
In the picture above, on the right, you see a view from a famous landmark, the Burrard St. Bridge, with the sun setting reflecting off downtown's towers. This is just one of the breath-taking views of Vancouver, and always treasured by Vancouverites as its become an uncommon sighting in our rainy city.
While we hold our breath for spring to set in, Croatia's summer season has already started. It's easy to forget, in the business of daily life, what a 30C sunny day in Split is like. A day at the beach, swimming, drinking espressos - you can almost hear the excitement buzzing as everyone jumps in for their first swim of the season. Everyone excited, smiles on their face and sunscreen on their noses. The simplicity of a beach day much reflects the simplicity with how the locals in Split live. They don't need too many materialistic items, they are happy with a sunny day spent playing with the kids and soaking in some vitamin D, the good old fashioned way - from the sun itself! Love it, Love it!
When you are happy with such with life's little things; a sunny day, a refreshing swim on a hot day, appreciation for the things you're fortunate to already own,
life remains grounded.
It's during these moments, sitting at beachfront cafes, chatting with friends after a dip in the sea, drying off in the sunshine when a famous Dalmatian saying is always heard from at least one local in the vicinity...."KO OVO MORE PLATIT" Literally translated this means: "who can pay for this", but the meaning resides much deeper than that.
It's moments when we come across articles like this, on a rainy Monday in our grand city of Vancouver, that take our minds across the Atlantic to a little city where the sun shines every. day. Just another day at Bacvice, one of Split's famous beaches.
And tomorrow is a holiday in Croatia; Labour Day - May/01 - HAPPY LABOUR DAY!!
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