Monday, 12 November 2012


Harpswell - a small and quaint community located on the East coast of America in the State of Maine.

A mixture of locals and summer homes, Harpswell's population seemingly doubles in the summer months.  As a touristy destination, with stunning scenery and the waves of Atlantic Ocean rolling in at each island's coast, the vibe is relaxed and very welcoming.  Some of the nicest and warmest people we've ever come across in our travels! From the born-locals to the people that have left nearby bigger cities like Boston and New York in search of a calmer, sweeter lifestyle.   

Maine absolutely lived up to its slogan for the way life should be...

Not to mention the food....especially the lobster! die for!  The seafood is only 1 of a million reasons to head to Maine, and to the community of Harpswell.  We have loved every second of our visit, and hope to be back one day!


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