Tuesday, 10 April 2012



Sunday night! 

Putting pictures on the blog and reminiscing at how amazing this weekend was! From Thursday afternoon, finishing up at work and regular busy days to moving on-board a friend's sailboat, our Easter weekend home!

Just what we needed, simplicity & a connection to nature, the very essence of a lifestyle on a sailboat and being surrounded by water!

Spending time taking in Vancouver again, from Sanja's alma mater, UBC, and the university's famous Wreck beach where we had a long walk and remembered the last time we were there, 3 years ago when Ivan had just come to Vancouver...
to downtown Vancouver, Granville Island a mere 5 minute walk from the marina, and even a quick trip up to North Vancouver! 

The weather has been amazing, making for a perfect Easter holiday weekend in the heart of Vancouver.  What a different city Vancouver becomes when the sun warms down on the town, so full of energy and buzzing with people out on the streets - walking dogs, running, riding bicycles, chatting with friends, taking in the sun at the beach -  just like weekends in sunny Split at one of our favorite places, Znjan!  

Amazing how two cities so far apart can resemble each other in such a way, even if its for only a moment.


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